首页 > 1080P > 恐怖《血肉盛宴》[1080P][R级恐怖重口味电影]



【导演】:The Mo Brothers

【主演】:Julie Estelle/Shareefa Daanish/Ario Bayu








血肉盛宴⇞ ⇟的剧情介绍,新婚夫妇Adjie和Astrid与他们⇞ ⇟的3☆☆个☼ ♠好朋友决定开展︽︾一 ▂ ▂次公路旅行☆☆,顺便叫上Adjie疏远⇞ ⇟的妹妹Ladya☆☆,期望能缓和他们之间⇞ ⇟的关系。在途中☆☆,他们遇✍到☺❈❉了♩ ♭ ♪︽︾一 ▂ ▂☆☆个☼ ♠奇怪⇞ ⇟的女孩Maya☆☆,她声称自己被抢劫❈❉了♩ ♭ ♪。于是他们将Maya载✍到☺她那位于森林深处⇞ ⇟的家中。Maya向他们介绍❈❉了♩ ♭ ♪自己⇞ ⇟的母亲Dara☆☆,︽︾一 ▂ ▂☆☆个☼ ♠很少说话、拥有贵族血统、看似永远不老⇞ ⇟的女❤ ●•۰人●ω●。Maya对他们表示十分感谢☆☆,邀请他们共进晚餐。然而☆☆,这六☆☆个☼ ♠❤ ●•۰人●ω●没想✍到☺☆☆,他们将陷入无边⇞ ⇟的恐怖之中……

Two newly weds Adjie and Astrid, along with 3 of their best friends decided to have an interstate road trip as a last attempt to reconcile Adjie with his estranged little sister Ladya. Their trip is however abruptly interrupted when they run into Maya, a strange girl out of nowhere, who wanders aimlessly into their path. "I've been robbed" is all she has to say. The friends unanimously decided to give her a ride to her isolated house by the end of the woods. Maya introduces Adjie and friends to her blue-blooded mother Dara, a woman of ageless enigma and few spoken words. Dara insists that their kindness should be repaid with a dinner feast. This is where the night turns into a crimson-hell for the 6 friends, who find themselves trapped and hunted down by Dara and her cult-like family of her three deadly protégés, born and raised to systematically eliminate unsuspecting passers-by for one nefarious reason. Slaughtered one by one, everybody will bleed, the darkest of nights never looked so red.


[2000-2010] [其它] [恐怖] [BT下载][血肉盛宴][HD-MP4/1.88G][英语][1080P][R级恐怖重口味电影]